Programming VS Coding

Programming VS Coding

Programming and Coding explained in simple terms

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Knowing the difference between Programming and Coding is one of the hurdles a new developer has to surmount. Am going to do my best to explain the difference in simple terms here. So let's get right to business.

Well, Programming can be defined as the logic behind a computer software code. Whereas, **Coding is the act of typing the codes **or the computer software program.

You can liken it to writing and typing. To program is to write ( which implies the intense work of forming your thoughts right from your idea), whereas to code is to simply type out the idea or program, say on your Notepad or any other tools. Such tools could mean any of the available IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) in the world of programmings such as Pycharm for Python codes, IntelliJ for Java codes, VSCode which is multipurpose and R studio for the R programming language.

In the world of music, programming would be likened to the art of composing, whereas coding would be the actual playing.

So you now see, the source of coding is programming.

I hope this is crystal clear now...

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